Monday, July 23, 2012

Forming Up Your Genealogy--Part 3

The process for creating a form is similar to creating a template. You need to plan your form. The information you want to collect affects your form in that the information is related to a type of control that you can insert. The controls enable fillable fields that a person can use to complete your form. Therefore, the first thing you need to know is where to find the form controls. 

Word 2003 Menu

In Word 2003, getting to the controls is straight forward menu selection Word 2007/2010 not so much.

Word 2007
To find the controls you must display the Developer tab on the ribbon. The Developer tab has items on it that have a special use rather than the everyday items that most users click. 

To display the Developer tab:
  1. Select the Office button and look for the Word Options button on the lower right of the dialog.
  2. Select Popular if necessary. 
  3. Click the check box beside Show Developer tab in the Ribbon, and then click OK. You'll see a new tab: Developer.
  4. Continue reading below at To display the Controls in Word 2007/2010.

Word 2010
To find the controls you must display the Developer tab on the ribbon. The Developer tab has items on it that have a special use rather than the everyday items that most users click. 

To display the Developer tab:
  1. Select File, and then select Options. The Word Options menu displays. 
  2. Select Customize Ribbon
  3. In the Customize the Ribbon list, click the check box beside Developer, and then click OK. You'll see the new tab.

To display the Controls in Word 2007/2010: 
  1. Click the Developer tab on the ribbon.
  2. Location the Controls group.
  3. Click the drop-down. The controls you want are in the Legacy Forms list. 
Next Post
We talk about the controls in general. 

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